"In May 2023, I started to notice redness and bumps across my nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin. I have always had perfect skin and now in my early 50's, my skin was feeling uncomfortable, like a sunburn, swollen and irritated. I tried expensive cleansers and moisturizers, but never noticed any improvement. I began to feel self-conscious, not wanting to be in photos, or wearing a mask on flare up days. In November, Angele offered me a bottle of Face Food to see if it would help with my skin. Right away the skin on my face felt less stretched- like the relief you feel when you’re thirsty and drink a big glass of water! Within a week there was a noticeable difference especially first thing in the morning when the bumps and redness were at their worst. Even more than just the appearance, which was improving, my skin has started to feel good! It’s no longer thick, swollen nor uncomfortably taught. The scaliness is gone, the redness in almost completely gone and there is only the occassional raised red bump. I look healthier and I’m no longer self-conscious. Mostly I’m relieved because I felt that my skin was unhappy and unhealthy and I’m no longer worried."